duminică, 26 aprilie 2009

Data plecare

Deoarece cu ajutorul vostru am reusit sa strangem jumatate de suma, si datorita timpului, care din pacate se scurge in defavoarea mea (efectele tratamentului de iradiere sunt cu atat mai puternice cu cat tratamentul este efectuat intr-un timp cat mai scurt de la chimioterapie), am decis sa plec pentru tratament cat mai repede posibil si am stabilit ca pe 4 mai 2009 sa plec in Turcia, la Anadolu pentru prima consultatie si pentru tratament. Am discutat toate detaliile cu domnul Murat Ercan, corespondentul din cadrul Anadolu si am stabilit deja o consultatie cu doctor Engin.

Sper din suflet sa fie totul bine si inca o data va multumesc din toata inima pentru ajutorul acordat pentru a strange banii necesari pentru tratament, si in special vreau sa multumesc din suflet colegilor mei de la facultate care au fost extraordinari si m-au ajutat enorm.

Va voi tine la curent din Turcia cu toate detaliile tratamentului si desfasurarea lui tot in cadrul blogului.

Hristos a Inviat!

joi, 23 aprilie 2009


38.600 RON + 1650 euro + 430$

Va multumesc din suflet pentru ajutor!

luni, 20 aprilie 2009

Hristos a Inviat!

Va doresc tuturor un Paste fericit si multa multa sanatate.

Hristos a Inviat!

joi, 16 aprilie 2009


28.500 RON + 1550 euro + 430$

Va multumesc din suflet pentru ajutor!

marți, 14 aprilie 2009


17.000 RON + 1350 euro + 430$

Va multumesc mult de tot pentru ajutor!

vineri, 10 aprilie 2009

UPDATE suma stransa

10000 RON si 1200 euro

miercuri, 8 aprilie 2009

Update suma stransa

Data: 8.04.2009
Suma: 3.113,07 RON in contul de la ING

Va multumesc din suflet pentru ajutor!

Apel Umanitar

Avand toate aceste informatii si stiind ca imi pot termina tratamentul in conditii umane ( fac precizarea ca in tara si in special in cadrul Institutului Oncologic Fundeni conditiile de iradiere si de executare a tratamentului in sine sunt mult sub inumane) si decente, am initiat aces apel umanitar pentru a strange suma necesara efectuarii tratamentului. Aceasta suma, dupa cum puteti vedea din hartiile trimise de la clinica, se contureaza a fi 20 000 de euro, tratament si alte investigatii.
Fiecare dintre noi are dreptul la viata si cand viata te incearca de tanar ai nevoie de tot sprijinul si de toate gandurile bune pentru a trece peste aceasta incercare.

In speranta ca exista oameni care doresc sa ajute, postez aceste doua conturi pentru a depune o suma cat de mica:

In cadrul bancii ING : RO86INGB0000999901437485

In cadrul bancii Raiffeisen Bank: RO98RZBR0000060005436740

Detalii suplimentare:
Tara: Romania
Titular cont: Darvaru Andra Elena

Va multumesc din suflet pentru ajutorul acordat, fiecare banut oferit inseamna o sansa pentru mine de a avea o viata normala si sanatoasa in continuare.

Noi semne de intrebare legate de tratament

Am primit acordul pentru realizarea tratamentului si dupa cum puteti citi din emailul anterior, cazul meu a fost preluat de insusi directorul acestei clinici Prof. Dr. Kayihan Engin, o somitate in domeniul oncologic.
Deoarece in primul email am primit o serie de informatii generale si de asemenea o fisa de acord pentru efectuarea tratamentului, au aparut noi intrebari legate de deplasarea in Turcia si de eventuala durata a tratamentului. In continuare am atasat emailurile aferente:

From: andra [mailto:darvaru_andra@yahoo.com]
Sent: Wednesday, April 01, 2009 2:25 PM
To: Murat Ercan
Subject: Re: Interested in making an appointment.

Dear Mr. Ercan

Thank you very much for your reply.First of all I would like to sincerely thank you for this opportunity you and your clinic offer to people like me who have all their hopes in you.Your work is admirable.

Second, I would like some aditional informations regarding the treatment period:

1. How long would it last?

2. What is the best period for me to do the treatment, regarding that I finished my chemotherapy treatment 2 moths ago? Is there a time interval for the treatment to be done or it is independent of chemotherapy treatment?

3. Regarding the money issue, I don't have such an amount of money so, can I come for a first consultation and eventual investigation needed, and after we establish a fix cost of the treatment, can I come back after I have the entire amount?

4. If it is possible for me to come only for this consultation, when can we make an appointment?

Looking forward to your reply.

My best regards,
Darvaru Andra ;;)


Dear Andra,
First of all, I would really like to thank you for your appreciation.
Secondly, not to lose any time, I would like to give you the information for which you've been looking for.
According to your questions:
Please note that as the first step, we can arrange an appointment with the Prof. to have a consultation to proceed faster and we can arrange it as soon as possible. If you can organise to fly to Istanbul at your earliest convenience, we can get ready for pick up from the airport free of charge as well as arrange for accomodation in a decent hotel in the nearby neighbourhood of the hospital.

The cost per night of the hotel for a double room would be around 75 € including breakfast and VAT. We can arrange for a consultation with the Prof. The consultation would cost about 90 € for Radiation Oncology. As already presented before, he may also ask for a radiological scanning (MRI or CT ) which would cost about 475 € [+ medication (if needed) +- 100 €] to be able to decide about the best treatment plan. The decision for the treatment plan will be made upon the consultation and possible investigations and we can start the treatment as quickly as possible upon your approval of the cost estimation which will be defined accordingly.

* Prices presented above as in currencies other than TL (Turkish Lira) might vary according to the daily changing exchange rates.

I'd like to let you know that an IMRT might take up to 35 working days in total. But obviously, the duration depends on the definition of the treatment . So, this estimated time of treatment would vary according to the result of the scanings as it exists IMRT applications for 10 days or 5 days too. It would depend on the indication of Prof. Dr. Kayihan Engin.

And also there is no restriction for the application time of the IMRT. It can even be applied combined with chemotherapy for the patients in case it is indicated and if the general state of the patient allows.

Meanwhile, if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me anytime from the contact details presented below.

And finally please note taht we can set an appointment with the related physician as soon as possible accoridng to your convenience.

Looking forward to helping you at our best,

Warmest regards from Istanbul,

Murat Ercan

Anadolu Medical Center

International Services

phone: 0090 262 678 5513

e-mail: murat.ercan@anadolusaglik.org

fax: 0090 262 654 0053

Primul email primit de la Anadolu

Dear Andra,

Please note that we have perfectly received your application and your documents and got directly in touch with Prof. Dr. Kayihan Engin- Head of Anadolu Medical Center Radiation Oncology Department (whose short profile you will find attached to this e-mail).

Please note that he evaluated the case according to the information you have provided and indicated that we can recceive you here to perform the IMRT (Intensity-Modulated Radiation Therapy) which is considered to be the appropriate treatment based upon the images&reports we received.

According to the information presented above, please note that we would be happy to receive you here to help you at our best with the high technology standards of ours, combined with the expertize of our physicians and the necessary multidisciplinary approach atmosphere with the participation of Radiation Oncology and other medical departments related to your clinical state.

Looking forward to presenting you the best healthcare services possible, please note that we are also ready to help for the transfer from/to the airport and accomodation arrangements as free of charge.

Please note that even though the most appropriate tretament is considered as IMRT based upon the reports and images you've sent, the exact tretament plan will be defined according to the first consultation which will take place with Prof. Engin.

You will find the related cost estimations to serve you as a guide for the preplanning of the visit, attached as an IPTP (International Patient Treatment Planning) Form to this e-mail.

Please also note that the patients who decide to come to AMC, are strongly advised to bring all the related documents in English (pathology reports with the parrafin blocks (if has any) ) including the information related to their last state before the arrival as this is very important due to the classification and organisation of a patient as inpatient or outpatient.

Please note that the estimated amounts on the IPTP form are for outpatient services and in case there is a request of hospitalisation, these cost estimations should be reviewed with AMC International Services Department. Please note that the estimated amounts on the IPTP form are for outpatient services and in case there is a request of hospitalisation, these cost estimations should be reviewed with AMC International Services Department.

Looking forward to helping you at our best, please accept our best regards and please note that we can arrange an appointment with the related physician according to your availability and upon your approval, a.s.a.p.

Murat Ercan

Anadolu Medical Center

International Services

phone: 0090 262 678 5513

e-mail: murat.ercan@anadolusaglik.org

fax: 0090 262 654 0053


Clinica Anadolu Medical Center a fost descoperita de mama mea, navigand pe net, citind zeci de povesti ale unor oameni ce au trecut prin experiente asemanatoare, si care au gasit vindecare in cadrul acestei clinici. Clinica este dotata cu aparate de ultima generatie in domeniul radiologiei si oncologiei, este numita chiar arma secreta in lupta cu cancerul.

Site-urile oficiale ale clinicii sunt :



Am luat legatura cu reprezentantii acestei clinici si, pe baza informatiilor trimise de mine (diagnostic, prezentare caz, CT-uri), mi-au prescris ca tratament IMRT (INTENSE MODULATED RADIOTHERAPY).

Mai multe legat de aceasta terapie pe:


Urmatoarele postari contin emailurile primite de la domnul Murat Ercan, persoana de contact din cadrul clinicii Anadolu.

vineri, 3 aprilie 2009

Cum a inceput totul

In octombrie 2008 am aflat ca am o tumora pe plamanul drept, tumora care ma impiedica sa imi mai folosesc acest plaman pentru a respira. Pentru a incerca sa imi salveze plamanul si implicit viata doctorii de la Institutul de Pneumologie Marius Nasta, din Bucuresti, au hotarat sa ma opereze de urgenta. De obicei in cazul unui diagnostic ca al meu, neoplasm bronhopulmonar, nu se opereaza, deoarece este o operatie extrem de grea si de riscanta pe trahee, bronhie si lob pulmonar. Dar Dumnezeu m-a ajutat si am avut marele noroc ca sa fiu operata de singurul doctor chirurg din Romania, care putea efectua aceasta operatie cu succes, domnul doctor Ioan Cordos. In data de 20 octombrie am fost operata si operatia a fost un imens succes, initial doctorii au fost retinuti in privinta sansei de a-mi salva plamanul drept si m-au pregatit psihic pentru situatia in care aveam sa traiesc decat cu un singur plaman. Dar au reusit sa salveze mult mai mult decat sperau, au salvat doi din cei 3 lobi pulmonari. Astfel acum am ambii plamani, datorita dansilor si a dedicatiei si pasiunii cu care isi indeplinesc meseria. Dupa operatie a fost nevoie sa fac un tratament postoperator de chimioterapie, care a constat din 4 sedinte de chimioterapie. Aceste sedinte au inceput in noiembrie si s-au incheiat la inceputul lunii februarie. Dupa incheierea acestor sedinte, doamna doctor oncolog Polixenia Iorga, mi-a recomandat sa fac si radioterapie, pentru sustinerea si fixarea tratamentului de chimioterapie. Am acceptat sa urmez acest tratament si am fost directionata catre Institutul Oncologic Fundeni. Insa, cautand informatii despre cum se desfasoara sedintele de radioterapie in cadrul institutului si citind zeci de povesti ale oamenilor care au facut acolo radioterapie, m-am ingrozit, situatia este mult sub deplorabila, este extrem de critica, aparatele sunt foarte vechi si nu functioneaza corect. Tratamentul in sine este foarte periculor datorita radiatiilor, iar o functionare incorecta poate provoca adevarate dezastre. Aceste probleme si ingrijorarile medicului radiolog, cu privire la locul iradierii, in cazul meu (iradierea este foarte puternica deoarece nu mai exista tumora, iar locul iradierii este langa inima cu riscul iradierii ventricolului stang), m-au facut sa ma gandesc la alte alternative.
Citind povestile de viata a altor persoane am descoperit aceasta clinica din Turcia, Anadolu Medical Center, care detine un aparat ultraperformant de radioterapie IMRT ( Intense Modulated RadioTherapy ). Acest aparat are o acuratete foarte mare si astfel aria iradiata poate fi foarte bine controlata.
Eu sper din suflet sa pot ajunge acolo sa fac acest tratament, deoarece este vital pentru mine si pentru preventia recidivarii acestei boli. Suma necesara pentru acest tratament este foarte mare, dar rezultatele sunt pe masura.

Am nevoie de ajutorul vostru si de gandurile voastre bune sa ma vindec.

Va rog din suflet sa ma ajutati!

Va multumesc anticipat!